Review of Joseph Torchia, O.P., Exploring Personhood: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Nature

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Robert Henry


The question of personhood and how it relates to being human is rarely addressed in many philosophical circles, preferring instead to investigate issues of the nature of consciousness in its stead. And while consciousness is undoubtedly related to the question of one’s identity, the human person can hardly be reduced to such a specific analysis. And so, in his book Exploring Personhood: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Nature, Joseph Torchia, a Dominican priest and professor of philosophy, seeks to uncover the mystery behind humanity and personhood. Torchia starts in the preface with the observation that many regard the question of personhood as obvious but suggests that it is not.


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How to Cite
Henry, Robert. “Review of Joseph Torchia, O.P., Exploring Personhood: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Nature”. Verba Vitae 1, no. 3-4 (October 11, 2024): 179–182. Accessed February 23, 2025.
Book Reviews
Author Biography

Robert Henry

My name is Robert Henry, a doctoral fellow at ILT and assistant editor for Verba Vitae.  I teach Philosophy at Gateway Community and Technical College, with an B.A. in Philosophy and M.A. in Theology.  


Torchia, Joseph O.P. (2008). Exploring Personhood: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Nature. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.: Plymouth, UK.