The Imago Dei Biblical Foundations, Theological Implications, and Enduring Significance

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Dan Lioy


The concept of imago Dei (image of God), which originates in Genesis 1:26–27, emphasizes humanity’s inherent dignity, capacity for relationships, and God-given creativity. Indeed, the Lord has entrusted people, as his vice-regents, representatives, and stewards, to reflect his moral character. The New Testament builds upon this foundation by revealing the Son as the ultimate embodiment of the imago Dei. In turn, believers are enabled, by the Spirit through the means of grace, to become more Christlike. The theological implications of the imago Dei are far-reaching. First, it establishes the sanctity of human life. Second, it provides a basis for ethical behavior. Finally, it incentivizes people—especially redeemed humanity—to be faithful stewards of creation. In conclusion, this unifying principle is the starting point for a biblically grounded and responsible understanding of human identity, purpose, and dignity, in which the value of all people is upheld, and Christ-like action is fostered.


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How to Cite
Lioy, Dan. “The Imago Dei: Biblical Foundations, Theological Implications, and Enduring Significance”. Verba Vitae 1, no. 3-4 (October 11, 2024): 45–72. Accessed October 18, 2024.
Biblical Theology


Unless otherwise noted, the English renderings of Scripture are taken from the Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV), © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.

Select Bibliography for Further In-Depth Study

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