Review of Christopher Watkin's Biblical Critical Theory

Main Article Content

Daniel Lioy


This book review of Biblical Critical Theory by Christopher Watkin offers some introductory observations. These are followed by a positive assessment of the volume, an overview of cautions and concerns, a positing of some concluding observations.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Lioy, Daniel. “Review of Christopher Watkin’s Biblical Critical Theory”. Verba Vitae 1, no. 1-2 (March 29, 2024): 91–100. Accessed September 7, 2024.
Book Reviews
Author Biography

Daniel Lioy

Daniel Lioy is Professor of Biblical Studies, Christ School of Theology, Institute of Lutheran Theology. He holds the Ph.D. from North-West University (South Africa) and is theologian-in-residence at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (NALC) in Salem, Oregon. He is widely published, including scholarly monographs, journal articles, and church resource products.


Biblical critical Theory : how the Bible's unfolding story makes sense of modern life and culture. By Christopher Watkin. Grand Rapids, MI.: Zondervan Academic, 2022. xxiv, + 648 pp.